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Hair Obsession

June 5, 2011

When I had long, straight hair, guys used to stop and ask if they could touch my hair and told me how pretty it was.

When I went natural, the Black Power, Nationalists types were the first to tell me they loved my hair.

When I found my style, younger guys mostly on the spoken word, hip hop scene were the first to embrace it.

Now, more mainstream men of all ages are sharing their compliments.  At a function this past weekend, a young guy asked if he could touch my hair.

Are many women struggling with going naturally curly, locking, braiding, twisting because of what the men in our community think? What is up with men and hair?

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Bettina Byrd-Giles permalink
    June 5, 2011 6:30 am

    BTW, I am still stunned that strangers–male or female– ask to step into my personal space and touch my hair. On occasion, I take the time to explain why this is not acceptable. Other times I just look a them and frown.

  2. Kathryn Stowe permalink
    June 6, 2011 7:06 pm

    I am from a small town and most of the women are still relaxing their hair am not sure how the men
    feel about the few women that are going natural in my town. I can honest say that I have not come
    across any men that like or object to my natural hair.

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