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You know you’re a 80’s Alumna if…

  1. You wore leg warmers even though you had never stepped foot in a dance class.
  2. You have two Prince 1999 albums—one from when he was strictly R&B and the rereleased album that included a poster for his crossover to the pop charts.
  3. You had a poster of Leif Garrett
  4. You loved the Sylvers, the Osmonds, and the Jackson 5 when you were about 7.
  5. You are vested in a retirement system or thinking about retirement.
  6. Any thoughts of childbearing involve terms such as high risk or advanced maternal age.
  7. You are experiencing hormonal imbalances.
  8. If you didn’t already wear glasses, you suddenly need them.
  9. You would like a permanent relationship, but you really like living by yourself.
  10. You love Hip Hop and Glam Rock.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join me for future posts regarding life, love, career and more.

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