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New Year’s Resolutions

December 27, 2009

I raced to the gym last week thinking that I probably would not get a bike.  The weather was cold and wet so the runners tend to spin instead of running.  I had also stopped attending that particular class since my son was born.  To my delight, there were several bikes to choose from.  I remembered that it was the first weekend in December.  In January, I definitely won’t be able to get a bike.  All the people who received gym memberships for Christmas or made resolutions to workout next year would be swarming to the gym on January 2nd.  I thought I would share some suggestions that might make the new or returning gym members gel with the old gym rats a little better.

1) If you have never been to a class, get there early and let the instructor know you are new.  Don’t wait until a minute before class or the time that class starts to divulge this information.  O.k. now that is out of the way, I will give you constructive suggestions for you.

2) Check at the front desk to see if there is a sign-in sheet.  You don’t want to get put off of a bike or out of a class because you failed to sign the list.  At one gym that I go to, the moms sign-in and then run the kids to school.

3) Ask around.  If you are already in pretty good shape, the level of the instructor may not matter.  If you are new to working out, try to find a gentle class or someone who works with beginners.

4) Bring plenty of water.  Sometimes the vending machines in the gym malfunction.

5) Take a friend with you.

6) Please don’t talk in the middle of yoga or clap after class ends.  Of course there are chatty yoga instructors who enjoy audience participation.  On that note, try not to eat two hours before class.  We usually know the new people by their flatulence.

Perhaps some of my friends have additional suggestions.

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