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In Search of Lumpia

December 17, 2009

I was hanging out with some friends recently and found out that one of them went to high school in the Philippines.  Although I have never lived in the Philippines, a women by the name of Rosie worked with my dad at Ft. Baker in Sausalito, CA.  Each year, she invited us to what I still consider to be the biggest gathering of people in a home and the largest buffet I have ever seen.  I believe it was the Asian New Year celebration.  I have to admit that I was young so everything probably seemed big.  However, I always remember stuffing myself with lumpia.  With that enormous buffet, I am not sure why lumpia stands out.

So what is lumpia?  When I moved to Alabama, I found it difficult to describe it.  I usually compared it to an egg roll, but I still find it to be a loose comparison.  They seem to be made from similar ingredients from an outsiders point of view, but they seemed much lighter and meatier.

I found a description on Wikipedia.  Let me know if anyone prepares lumpia in the Birmingham area.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Dark Brown permalink
    July 18, 2010 9:45 am

    I have a recipe for lumpia that I got from a Filipino neighbor nearly 13 years ago. I have never tried it. You have motivated me to pull it out and give it a go. I will try to remember to check back and let you know how it turned out. And…I am more than willing to email it to you if you’d like to try it yourself.

    • Bettina Byrd-Giles permalink
      July 18, 2010 10:34 am

      Please let me know. I usually only get to eat it when I am on the west coast.

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